Not one, not two but three interviews were conducted over the last month, offering more of an insight into all things Connoisseur, grab a pew and sit back with some more Q&A with tCC.
First up interview with a new kid on the blog Helmstyle, Helm style are committed to delivering non-biased, honest, and reliable information on a broard range of inspirational menswear choices. Interview with Taka from Allevol denim brand. Further reading click below.

And then we've got one with Transmission Journal : our mate Matt from Transmission Journal which aims to bring the very best of everything to your attention. Transmission wishes to highlight those out there that are doing the right things in the right way, be they established names or emerging talents. Further reading click below.

Lastly, the Nuji network helps you curate products you love and discover new ones with like-minded people, a mine of information and the best brands both major and independent from across the interweb. Further reading below.